Hi mom!
This week I learned how to feed turtles! That’s right I’m starting off with turtles! So since COVID kinda limits the amount of good old vitamin D from being inside all day, we are required to have some outside time. So Elder Burke and I walked around a pond near our apartment to look for turtles. We knew there where turtles because the previous Elders in this apartment left a lot of turtle food.
Turtles aside we set up a lot of appointments with members in order to get to know them and better help the ward. So we have 2-3 lessons a day just talking and sharing the gospel. Also we had a lesson with a member but it fell through so we decided to just drove around and checked in with people in our area book who we thought we needed to see. And boy did we find people to teach! One lady wanted us to teach her son, she tried to hire us on with her funeral company (which was kinda funny) And other woman who was from New York, who has the strongest testimony about service work absolutely loved us coming by we teach her on Tuesday the 27th!
My first P-DAY was this Monday! We hung out at the park and played football with a bunch of other elders in out district. Also I spent $129 dollars on groceries because Elder Moore’s card didn’t work.
A spiritual thought I’d like to leave with all of you is Mosiah 2:17, this scripture talks about how when you serving others you are serving Heavenly father. I want to share my testimony that I know this is true, not only because my last name is Service but because I have lived by my last name and I have felt gods love for me through those I serve! So get out there and serve people!
Till next time here are some awesome photos from this week!