Hi mom!
Sorry you missed my video call! I still love you.
This week was awesome! On tuesday we had a service project where we helped out the York County election with organizing their ballots (no I did not tamper with any ballots I am a missionary?). We also had exchanges with another missionary in our district (Elder Smart, Im sitting next to him in the service project photo). I got to meet a bunch of people who asked me all kinds of questions about what it’s like to be a missionary, but I didn’t even share a message or set up any appointments ?♂️. Anywho, it was still good to show our smiling faces.
Wednesday we had district council where I was asked to give a lesson about Faith and Hope and how to apply it to missionary work. So Id like to share what I learned. I learned that another word for faith is trust. So when we say we need to have faith in Christ we need to trust in him. Alma 32: 21 says “…faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” I really like this because it shows that faith (trust) requires hope. And another scripture in Moroni 7 says when you have hope you naturally have charity. So it’s this cool domino effect where faith leads to hope and hope leads to charity. So you know you have faith when your actions reflect a charitable lifestyle. I would like y’all to look at your own life and see where you can be more charitable, and therefore faithful.
We didn’t have too many “new people” lessons because every time we try to contact over the phone they bail on us. So this week Elder Burke and I are going to double our efforts amd actually do a few surprise visits.
During our outside time for this week I caught a turtle! It made me feel bad so we quickly took a photo and I gently put the poor guy back.
Then for our district activity we tie-dyed and painted shoes. I kinda screwed up on one of my shoes but hey there are no mess ups only happy accidents. Also I drew on my T-shirt our symbol for baptism.
I want to leave you all with a scripture that reminds me who god is and how I can see him every day. It is Alma 5:40 “For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil.” God is goodness so if I am feeling good then to me that’s god saying hello.
Love you all!
Till next time….
Elder Service