Hi Mom!
So, transfers were rough. As usual opening up a new area is tough. On top of that, getting to know a new companion and finding our grove has been a little bit harder this last week. However I am feeling good about this next week.
I had posted an offer for service last week and we got to help a lady move her mail box. Elder Shaw absolutely loves manual labor so I just let him go to town digging a 3 foot hole. Also we where able to talk to the lady in person and we potentially have an awesome opportunity to teach some lessons with her! So that is a bright side to this week.
On to other news…
Lets talk about some of the pictures I have for this week! The fish actually isn’t mine. Owen just sent them to me. Apparently, the photos are for his photography class. Not gonna lie they are pretty cool.
The picture of my desk is lowkey not actually a desk. Coming into this apartment there wasn’t enough desks so we had to call someone in charge of furniture to help us out. Basically all he had were these two dinner tables?. So ya I’m am literally feasting on the words of Christ ?.
My mom sent me a tortilla blanket! Which was honestly a highlight, so thank you mom!
The other ones are of me and the fam on our weekly call. Aren’t we cute?!?!?!?
I also included the stripling warriors because they are awesome but also because that is what is coming up next!!! ???
⚠️Spiritual thought⚠️
I love moms!
Moms are awesome. Flat out no question, moms are awesome.
I was recently reading in The Book of Mormon. I was in the war chapters and honestly it is really difficult to try and find the spiritual side of war and dissention. Anywho, Alma 56 talks about one particular battle that includes a group of 2,000 young men who were standing up for what they believed to be right. They were fighting for liberty, their families, and God.
A couple of verses stuck out to me;
“Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.”
Going off of how awesome mothers are, God truly put moms on the earth to be who they are. I know that from the bottom of my heart. Moms are hear to teach us. Now I’m not trying to exclude fathers. They can have a post of their own. But seriously, out of all the people in their lives the 2,000 stripling warriors chose to turn to their mothers for guidance in a time of war. If that doesn’t show the power of motherhood I don’t know what could!
Well love you all and thanks for all your support!
Till next time,
Elder Service