Hi Mom!
First off, disculpa por los fotos feos 😂, it’s not my fault. Our equipment is mediocre and we aren’t pros. But hey, aquí estamos. 😊
Early in the week my comp and I decided it was a good night to take scenic photos of the riveting fauna in our area. As you can see the huge factory is absolutely breathtaking. Believe me, in person, the smell really will take your breath away. Aside from that the rest of the area is petting amazing.
We did a lot of caminando y dejando. Which in english means we worked really hard but had to stop meeting with a lot of people because they aren’t progressing. But hey! That opens up a lot more opportunities to find people who are ready.
Which in the depression of losing awesome potentials from lack of progression. We ended this week off with a really fun service project for a member. My first one in Mexico!! We dug out the raízes, roots, of a huge stump and pushed her right over. It only took us like 4 hours to do so we celebrated my comps 20th birthday at the members house. Fun times for sure.
Id like to end by saying how much I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of it is deep doctrine. Faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. Are all really deep principles for life. Before the mission I wasn’t so sure. But being out here, really acting on that faith stuff. Has given me a deeper perspective on life. I know that faith is a principle of power and action. Not just a passive belief. But there is, infact, a more powerful force in the universe:
1 Corinthians 13:2
…and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not CHARITY I am nothing.
Moroni 7:49
…CHARITY is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him
I want ya’ll to know that charity and love is literally stronger than the power that created the universe. As a missionary, and just regular person in general. It is crucial to be able to develop this Christ like attribute. Without it we are nothing. With it we can move souls ‘unto repentance’.
I’d like to end this with my simple testimony of three things. Faith and repentance are linked. You need to have faith, or believe, that you can change before you are gonna change. But the only way to repent is by having a love for what you are changing for. In the this case its a love for God and his son Jesus Christ. When we love God. We will naturally change. But first we need to believe. I leave this with yall in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Till next time,
Elder Service
P.S. I know yall are jealous of my super dope cowboy hat. Yes, I do wear it just about every day when we go walking around. No, I haven’t been mistaken for being a Jehovah Witness, yet…