Hi Mom!
We had Carlos Jr’s with our mission president! ⭐🍔 It was super good. The Batman logo was pretty cool too I guess. 🦇
Anyways let’s get right into it. We have been trying to teach a family for a while now. We have already baptized 2 of the like 8 people in this family. Problem is that one of the 8, who was one of the original 4 that we taught, lives an hour away and only comes every 2 weeks. Ella lo toca esa semana! So we got to teach her for 3 days! We worked through a lot of her doubts and questions. But one thing that really surprised me is that she brought her own copy of the Book of Mormon, without us reminder her to.
That’s not even the end of the miracles with this cousin. Her name is Judith. In order for someone to be baptized they need to attend church at least twice. Judith lives in Irapuato (1 hour away) and does not have the ganas to attend there. So if she is going to attend at least 2 it will take about 6 or 7 weeks to be able to baptise her. So, this week we decide to go all out on our invitation. Our first lesson was on wednesday, we taught from 3 nefi 18 about the importance of the Sacrament. On Thursday we just answered questions. On Friday, they forgot we were coming so we just taught the Grandma. Then on Saturday was the most powerful lesson. We invited her to Church. But they decided to go by groceries. But this is the miracle. We got permission to broadcast the District Conference. So we sent her a link and she actually got on! But what made it even cooler is that she SENT US HER PHONE NUMBER!! This was huge because last month we asked and she said no because of relationship issues with her husband. This miracle alone would have been enough this week.
But no, we had Brenda log on too! She is a spiritual power house. She has traveled the world, studying tourism. She has worked at Disney land and lived in Japan. She is so dope. Anyways she was out of town for a family reunion but still got on the link when we sent it to her!
Then! Like I mentioned earlier this week was District Conference. We had all the leadership in the District including our Mission president. This Sunday was by far the most spiritual. Filled with little miracles that all worked together to make the coolest end to a good week.
But to top it all off, our mission president and his wife decided to feed us after the Saturday session of the Conference. We voted for Carls (Carlos) Jr. Yall know that the have a batman burger?!?! I promise it didn’t make me too trunky 😅.
Anyways, I officially hit 21 months in the mission. And i have picture of my holy socks to prove it.
Till Next time,
Elder Service
P.S. My DL sent me that Star Wars banner for the 4th of May. Thought I should share it.