Hi Mom!
So this first week can be summed in one sentence; overwhelming excitement and an underwhelming apartment. Overwhelming excitement because I started my mission! My flight was at 7 am so I had to wake up at 4 am. I started off my saying good by to the family (love you mom). My womb mate Owen drove me to the airport. And we said good bye (fist bump my dude).
But that was only the beginning to the single longest day of my life. Im ninety-five percent sure I served half my mission in this first day. Upon my arrival to Charlotte North Carolina I was greeted by President and Sister Adler, they are from Germany and have the coolest German accents! After that we had a short orientation at their house, half the missionaries slept at their house and the other half slept at the Assistants apartment. I was with the assistants.
On Thursday we had the missionary transfers, where I was assigned my Trainer/Companion Elder Burke. And received some more orientation. As well as learned where I will be serving! Now the Charlotte North Carolina Mission encompasses the western part of North Carolina as well as portions of Virginia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. So at the moment and probably until January I will be serving in Fort Mill South Carolina!
Now for the underwhelming apartment portion of my week. So this zone in South Carolina was experiencing what the mission calls whitewashing where everyone starts out brand new to the areas. This usually happens when the missionaries in a zone arent doing what they are suppose to. And so the previous Elders in our apartment left it a mess so our first few days where dedicated to cleaning the apartment. Major bummer but great way to get to know the other Elders in our apartment (yes there are four of us).
I also got to attend church with the ward in the area so that was cool. I also was called to say the closing prayer (first time I have ever prayed in a sacrament meeting so woo hoo!) Over all it was a great first week. Not a lot happened spiritually other than a few member lessons here or there.
I’m learning more and more every day and I’m looking forward to the future! Till next time, here are some photos from this week!