Hi Mom!
It was a pretty great week! Let’s get right into it.
SO last monday the other gringos and I all bought matching Mexican shirts. It’s now my favorite p-day shirt. Close second is 1 of my now 7 soccer jerseys, jaja.
The following couple of days were just solid missionary work days. We had a really awesome lesson with a member and our recent baptism (I’ll get to him in a sec) which was one of the coolest member present lessons I have had in a long time. We read the ”Let God Prevail” talk by President Nelson. Our friend absolutely loved it and it made him so hyped for his baptism!
We also went and visited my companion’s recent convert Don Rey. He is like 78 but has all kinds of problems with his health and his back. It’s all a mess. We gave him a blessing the week before and this week he wasn’t perfect but he definitely had a lot more energy and strength.
Thursday we took a trip to Querétaro to have our interviews with President Dominguez. In interviews he told me I may be staying here in San Juan for a few more transfers. Which isn’t all that reliable since he likes to change his mind a lot. But in the meantime he told me I can go to the Peña de Bernal. Which is basically a huge rock in the middle of a wide valley. Super dope and I’m super excited to go. Also we spent the night with Elder Olsen, he is an Elder from my generation and he has been in the offices since we got here to Mexico. Super fun times.
Then the next day we had our first in person Zone Conference. Which was super nice because President bought each companionship a Little Caesars pizza. But what made it even cooler was that it was in the shape of the batman symbol 🦇. Super dope, I ate two cuz they had one left over.
Saturday was the baptism for my good friend José Antonio. I had the privilege of doing the ordinance. When I tell you he was smiling before I even said the prayer, he was beaming jaja. At first I said the prayer wrong but quickly cleared it up and baptized him in one dunk. It twas a happy day.
Later that day I had to climb on a roof to take down Christmas decorations. I was 100% fine tho. I did not fall. Jaja.
Last thing before I end. It was transfers today! I’m staying in San Juan. And my new comp is from Gilbert Arizona!! Super dope, he also happens to be a major nerd like me so I’m excited for the next 6 weeks.
Till next time,
Elder Service