Hi Mom!
A cat “followed” the other Elders home. A dog was very persistent. And I think I found a dog straight from hell. Also got to fulfill a dream of mine to visit the Peña de Bernal. All in a week’s work. Let’s dive right into it.
Funny story about the cat. Our first week in the apartment we were joking about getting a house pet so we talked about if we were walking around the streets and we find a stray cat we have to bring it home. So the other Elders were late walking home so I told them they better have found a cat or something. And as they walk into the house a cat follows them into the open door. 100% un planned we gained a cat for the night. We eventually decided to take it outside before we went to bed so it didn’t do its business while we were sleeping. We named bkm Kirby.
Then we were visiting some friends in la Rueda and stopped by a tienda to make some phone calls and this big black dog shows up and sits himself down and begs for food. He was very dead set on swindling food out of us. He ended up putting his big ole paw on my knee and would not move it.
Then we were walking around the center of town and ran into a hellhound. This was a strange looking dog. Completely naked, big beady eyes, and all around awesome! Totally want one. Dad, you can get a wrinkly cat and I’ll get this wrinkly dog 😂.
Now for my favorite part. This has a bit of a story behind it. I first learned about the Peña de Bernal when I was serving in North Carolina. My Spanish tutor, the legendary Hermana Kruger, taught me Spanish by showing me videos of my original mission assignment. One of the videos was a review of the city of Bernal near Tequisquiapan, Mexico. Now for those who don’t know what a Peña is. It is basically the word for big rock. The Peña de Bernal is this huge rock in the middle of a valley. I believe it is either the largest or second largest Peña in the world. Anyways, during my tutoring sessions I learned all about this Peña and the city all around it. I just knew I had to visit it. I got my chance today. It was an experience 10/10 will visit again.
A little more to add to this story is that during my tutoring sessions with Hermana Kruger I distinctly remember a moment where the spirit struck me and basically told me I had a very important work to do in Querétaro. That experience brought me to tears. One miracle after another and now I’m here. I want to testify I have tasted a bit of this great work I was called here to do.
For example, the Peña is one of them. We didn’t just go as a group of missionaries. In fact my actual companion didn’t even want to go. So I took another elder in my apartment. What made this experience so much sweeter. Was that we went with one of my favorite families I have ever met here in Mexico. The parents names are Marco and Thais. They have a 9 year old daughter named Meghan. Marco and Megan are members, Thais isn’t. But she has the most powerful testimony of this gospel. The things she has learned from the book of Mormón has changed her life. She knows that as we pray to God in faith he will answer our prayers. The only thing that is keeping Thais from being baptised is for whatever reason her husband doesn’t want to be married. I know that this trip to the Peña was a beautiful opportunity to see this family in action. They are awesome. There is a lot of love. If I could ask you all who are reading for a favor it is to pray for this family. More specifically for Marco to have a heart soft enough to be married. I know we can’t force anyone to do follow the gospel. But we can help them see the blessings. I know that if we pray with faith, God will answer. I love this mission thing, it is pretty eye opening and enlightening. I would never exchange it for any thing else. I’m so glad I chose to go on a mission.
Till next time
Elder Service