Hi Mom!
I hit my last 5 months in the mission this week, ain’t time just flying by?
This week we did a lot of walking. At one point we walked the same street 4 times. Each time consisted of a 30 minute walk. Each time had something really interesting happen jaja.
The first time we walked it was for our first lesson that day. It was an early morning lesson on the other side of our area in a little fraccimienmto called La Fatima. We taught a kid named Josue the gospel of Jesus Christ and put a baptismal date for the 19th of March! Super dope, Josue has a few things to overcome before then but it’s looking like March is gonna be white month. 🌊
The second time we walked the road was on the way back and we actually ran into the other two Elders. Which they brought the money to pay for the rent so we stood in line at a bank to pay it. In the meantime an older “crazeh lehday” (insert nacho libre accent) walked up to us and no joke every other word was a swear word. She was missing like all of her teeth, big white hair, enough makeup to make a clown blush, a bugs life sweatshirt, and enough attitude to make Maya seem docile. She started the confrontation by calling us a bunch of “Mormons” (insert as many swear words as you’d like) and proceeded to lecture us on how she believes all we need to believe in is taking care of the birds, the plants, and the ocean. (she ended up saying this like 10 times during our convo.) Anyways one thing after another, I told her I liked her shirt in between her biting remarks and she started changing gears for a second, trying to processes the complement I guess. Then continued with her tirade so we decided to end the convo right there. Which she then proceeded to huff and puff and swear like a sailor while ranting off her mantra like a broken record. Twas a great encounter will never forget her golden phrase though “I being reborn at my 82 years of age…” 😂 oh the mission is a kick yall should look into doing one.
On the third time walking down this road we were returning to do a last minute service project. We also only walked half of it because we wanted to take a bus. Which was a bit of a miracle in itself because we met a member we have been trying to help out. He is the Dad of Meghan and husband of Thais. We got to talk a bit before he had to get off the bus. It was dope. Anyways the service project was for a single sister with 4 kids, who had just moved here from the city of Mexico. She needed help with a few things in her new apartment. Which I don’t know why her 17 and 14 year old couldn’t help but it was nice putting the Service name to use again.
The fourth and final time we walked this road that day was on the way home. We all stopped at an aguas shop. The thing about Mexico is that agua doesn’t just mean natural H2O it also means just about every other drink that isn’t soda. That includes horchata. Horchata is an agua. Absolutely love this little store! Plus you can by 2 litres for the price of one. So good.
This Sunday was another really good day. Had church and got to renew my covenants and everything. But then I got to confirm our recent convert José Antonio Resendiz Flores to the aaronic priesthood and ordain him to the office of priest! Super nerve racking experience for both of us. It was my first time ever ordaining anybody and the Bishop had to help me for all of it. But we got through it and now José is my first convert to get the priesthood!
All in all this week was great can’t wait for the next one.
Till next time,
Elder Service
(ps I didn’t take a lot of pictures this week, so here’s the Mission’s logo. Im thinking of changing it. And I might get my chance because the Elders in charge of redesigning it was talking to me about it last week so we will see 👀)