Hi Mom!
Last week of the transfer. We started it off good with a killer burger party! 🍔
Welp, it has been a good 6 weeks but once again it is transfer day. I was completely blindsided. I 100% thought I was getting a kid. But I guess it just isn’t in my destiny to be a mission father. Ni modo, I have once again been called a District Leader to replace Elder Martin. Entonces, estoy emocionado.
Last P-day we spent like close to 3,000 pesos (150$USD) to feed 20+ missionaries hamburgers. They were all hand made by the man, the myth, the legend, Elder Hunsaker. They were bien riquisimo!
Apparently in Guanajuato every year they have a big ole fair in every big city. So like, they put a big ole ferris wheel out in the middle of the street of Guanajuato. It was pretty cool. Low key might ride a Rollercoaster 🎢 😉.
This week was also the mission’s final goodbye to Presidente Dominguez. We had a “Not Christmas” party where we played sports and then listened to a bunch of testimonies. It was a pretty chill but tearfilled day.
Anyways, last transfer… Here’s to a 6 more spirit filled weeks of hard work and tears.
Till next time,
Elder Service