Hi Mom!
This week we are feeling a lot better. We also got to meet our new mission president earlier than everyone else!!
So our presidents’ changed on the first of July. Just like back in NC. So we did a little Zoom Call with them on that friday. Then they showed up to our sacrament meeting the following Sunday! President Stapley was pretty determined to interview the district presidents as soon as he could. We got to meet them before the rest of the mission.
Then the next Friday, so this last Friday. We had our first, and my last 💀, Zone Conference with the new mission president. We talked a lot about spiritual gifts and got to know our new mission president and his wife. They are pretty cool people. I’m excited for this mission. I had the opportunity to give my last testimony. It was heartwarming. Mom, be ready for an email from my new mission president’s wife. She filmed the whole thing… (see video of it below)
We had a few baptisms set up for this week end. But they all fell through. Sin embargo, God was looking out for us and he sent us our good friend Martin. He was so ready to be baptized he basically taught us the gospel jaja.
Anyways my area is so awesome, I have awesome Elders here in Mexico, and I’m definitely going to miss it. 😭
Till next time,
Elder Service