Hi Mom!
This week was really abnormal but a lot got done. For example, we have a new apartment here in Mirador.
To start the week off we had to stay in Irapauto from Monday until Wednesday just to get a vaccine booster from this darn Covid that is still going on. Ni modo seguimos adelante. The reason we stayed until Wednesday is because this mission is literally run my Teenage missionaries in the offices. We didn’t have any of the paperwork done and we found that out Tuesday morning. So we just stayed.
With those two days already cut out of our week we got back to our area running. On Thursday we went to check out our new apartment. Then we just went ham calling people at one of the dozens of cool parks in area. This one is cool because hit had a bunch of frog statues. It’s called Plaza de Ranas which means Plaza of Frogs. Anyways, one of the coolest people picked up the phone. His name is Sebastian. So we set up a lesson for Friday.
Then to finish off Thursday we got to teach our good friend Rosita. She’s funny, she is the 80 year old adventurer. Who spent most of her life traveling the world. Anyways we found out her brother was actually a bishop in a ward here in Irapauto! He had given her a book of mormón like 30 years ago. So it was one of the ones with the angel Moroni on the cover. Keep that in mind because it will make what happened in her lesson even more interesting. So, we finish up our small talk, and we ask ‘Have you had a chance to read the book of Mormon?’ She hesitates, and just flat out says ‘I’m not going to lie I hate it, it is pure lies’ jaja! Low key freaking out we try to salvage the situation. She would just go off about how she got the book from her brother and how the ‘newer version’ we gave her was all false because she is older, and she was alive when the original (the one with moroni) was given to her. As if we were ignorant of the false stuff in the book we gave her because it was ‘revised’. Anyways she said she paid to the Virgin Mary to get her answer so we decided to just go with out original plan and teach the 10 commandments. But using the account to Abinidi in the book of mormon. Funny story, SHE LOVED IT! Thought it was the truest thing she ever read. Because it taught exactly what was in the Bible. INCLUDING don’t worship idols. Ni modo, she came around and hopefully is reading the book of mormon again.
On Friday we did a big ole service project where we got a bunch of boxes out of our new apartment. Apparently the guy who was renting it before. Just like dipped and left all his stuff there for over 5 years. So now we got to keep some of the simple stuff like, mirrors, couches, tables, chairs, cabinets, etc. We have a full kitchen with an oven! Anyway then we went and had an awesome lesson with Sebastian. He has been so prepared. However, and I am a bit sad about this but, he doesn’t live in our area. But the other others in this city will take over and I know he is in good hands.
On Saturday we looked for metal bases for our beds. And other things to get ready for the apartment. Also we had to call up the mission Lawyer to organize a contract. So on Sunday, with the contract all written up we signed it and now we are the proud owners of a rental apartment. Pretty sick stuff.
Anyways Sunday was just the busiest Sunday ever. We woke up early to take our family of 8 to church. Which was just another miracle because they got the Father to come! First time ever seeing this man and he asks us to give him a blessing. So we do then we sit down for priesthood meeting and he loved it. I really do hope this family is loving meeting with us. We’ll actually that reminds me… we put Karla, the mom, on baptismal date on Saturday!!! She was really excited. And so are we!!
Anyway that was about my week. If you see my photos Owen you will only be slightly jealous. There are just a lot of really cool murals here in Mexico I just had to take advantage.
Till next time,
Elder Service