Hi Mom!
After 3 weeks without a phone and 2 more mobbin around the coolest area in my mission we got baptisms. Oh and WARNING, I had a bit of an accident with my finger this week. So if you don’t want to see it don’t look.
This week started off with exchanges with our Zone Leader, Elder Hymas. He literally came and made my younger comps cry with his stern but really helpful criticism. It was honestly a pretty spiritual experience. Also! While we were andaring (andar = to walk or stroll) in our area we met the senior missionary couple over the medical side of the mission. Pretty fun day.
Then on Wednesday we moved into our new apartment. It is the best apartment, in the best location, with the best views. I’ll have to take more photos this next week so you all can better understand what I’m talking about. In the meantime just google Guanajuato Capital. You’ll get a basic idea. Funny story about moving half of the stuff from the Marfil apartment. We couldn’t… we had to call the dueño of the house to get permission to move our own stuff out of the privado or neighborhood we are living in. But we made it with all out stuff before sundown so we are chilling.
Then on Thursday we walked way much and climbed way to many stairs. It got to the point where we found a super steep stairway and I just about gave up so I sat down and realized it was a very good place to take a photo. So ya me sitting on those stairs was that horrid day of endless stairs. On the plus side the mission grandma in our area bought us some really good yogurt smoothies.
Throughout this whole week we’d been preparing our very awesome family for baptism. It all led to Friday. We were getting ready to do their interviews and the youngest one we were teaching, her name is Nahomi, said she had two other siblings that wanted to be baptized too. Now, we had seen these siblings walking around “avoiding” our platicar but apparently had been listening the whole time so when I asked them the pre interview questions they passed with flying colors. So in this one day we had set two official baptismal dates! Their names are Karla and Jazmin. Jazmin was the surprise baptism. Nahomi was going to be interviewed but decided last minute to wait because she wanted one of her cousins to be baptized with her. So one day I’ll have a picture with her too.
On Saturday, the day of the baptism, we find out there is no gas in the church to heat up the font. We hustled to the tienda to buy two of those metal hot rods. So we stuck those into the font. Then went to go pick everyone up. We must have left them in there for a good 2 or 3 hours. They did absolutely nothing to heat up the water. That was my first cold baptism. But man was it one of the most spiritual. Karla was the one we had originally set out to teach. But it turned out she had like 8 family members who were all really interested in hearing our message. After a few days only a few stayed and only 1 (Karla) was actually ready to be baptized. It was Jazmin that came out of nowhere, kinda like a miracle. Because then we got to baptize them both together. Karla wasn’t alone. Loved this baptism. So many good memories. P.s. if you notice them only wearing one chancla each it’s because Jazmin forgot hers. So they shared one 😂.
Anywho, Guanajuato is a party city, it’s like everyday someone, somewhere is doing something. But on Saturday the whole city was doing something. That something was called Día de Niños or Kid’s Day. The whole city had a parade for kids. We were walking home from a member son’s birthday when we took all those photos. If you haven’t noticed already. I have the best area in all of México.
Sunday was the confirmation. Which my comp and I felt inspired to have members do the confirming. They did awesome. We had our branch president (member since 2019) and his 2nd councilor (Rm of 4 years) give the blessings. We had to dip out right after the sacrament meeting because our mission president had more stuff for our apartment he was going to drop off for us. One of those being a fridge. Now the only thing we don’t have in our apartment is bed frames. We have almost moved in!!
Now for the story behind the finger. I was opening something with a knife… nuff said.
Till next time,
Elder Service