Hi Mom!
You know you really are the greatest mom on this planet. There isn’t anyone like you, you are a one of a kind. I LOVE YOU MOM!
This week was kinda uneventful. It was just another day of going up stairs in 90 to 100 degrees. Fiestas in the center of town. And I got a super cool scripture case. Aside from that our recently baptized friends have kinda distance themselves from us and we have no idea why. We are going to keep grinding though.
Anyways I really just want to share my favorite Mother’s day spiritual thought.
Alma 56:47-48.
47 Hasta entonces nunca habían combatido; no obstante, no temían la muerte, y estimaban más la libertad de sus padres que sus propias vidas; sí, sus madres les habían enseñado que si no dudaban, Dios los libraría.
48 Y me repitieron las palabras de sus madres, diciendo: No dudamos que nuestras madres lo sabían.
(47 Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.)
No, I’m not off to war, even though it may feel as rigorous as war. No, it wasn’t the specifics like how to cook a certain dish or some strange thing like that. No, rather, my mother taught me the basic principles of life that I can use to learn and grow from. I am so very grateful for what my mother has taught me. Because ya, “she knew it”. She is a mother who knows.
Till next time,
Isaac Service