Hi Mom!
Sorry there aren’t a lot of photos so here’s one of a penguin 🐧🗡
Anyways, I just wanted to comment real quick on the reality of miracles. They do exist. Something I have definitely learned about being on the mission is to enjoy the little things. Especially allow them to over power the hard and stressful things. For example this week we walked by a pastry tienda and I bought a pastry called the Pearl (la Perla) and in the process of waiting for change I look over and got to watch a few minutes of Rogue One. It low key brightened up my day.
To continue with the milagro train. We had at least 3 days full of lessons that all fell through. But we hunkered down and fought through it. We continued to work despite the less than great circumstances. And this week we actually found 4 new people and put 2 more people on baptismal date. The reason I am writing this experience is to show that you may have a bad day but that doesn’t mean it is a bad day. ‘Bad Days’ don’t exist if you have faith. We very easily could have given up and just played Magic for the rest of the day. But we didn’t. And God blessed us with miracles.
That’s pretty much it for this week. Que tengan una bonita semana. Les quiero ❤
Hasta la próxima vez,
Elder Service