Hi Mom!
We made some pretty big waves this week! 🌊 and I got a shoe shine! And held a scorpion.
Let’s dive right in! So this week was 100% focused on supporting our family to enter the waters of baptism. So it won’t be terribly long.
We ended up having José de Jesús, a youth we’ve been helping prepare for a mission, do his grandparents baptisms. It was a really good moment. He’s a trooper. Then we had the Gonzalez Rodríguez family make the decision to be baptized as well! One of the members of the family was like 15 minutes late but made it just in time. It was a miraculous day to be sure.
I just want to put a quick blip here and say that Don Quiqote de la Mancha is my hero.
On Monday the whole Zone came to Guanajuato and hung out. I live here so we split off from the main group to have a relaxing day in our apartment. This was also the day I held a scorpion. 🦂 Brought back some Burger King vibes 🍔👑
Anyways, 1 dollar shoe shines are pretty great not gonna lie.
Till next time,
Elder Service.