Hi Mom!
So last week was a spiritual overload were we gave a blessing like very day. This week God decided we needed a physical work out with a service project like every day! 🥵
First project was early in the morning wednesday. We moved huge piles of dirt from one side of the house to the other. With only 3 buckets and 4 Elders it took us 4 hours jaja 🤣. I have blisters on my thumbs from the shovels.
Then we had a service project on Friday that lasted till Sunday jaja. Anyways a sister needed help moving her house but we, neither she, had a truck. So on Friday we literally picked up a bunch of bags of clothes by hand and carried them UP to her new house. Then on Saturday we basically did the same thing but a member came in clutch with his teeny tiny Volkswagen. We filled it 3 times in like 4 hours jaja.
Anyways we put the good name to work this week.
A really fun thing we did this week was on Saturday we did a noche de hogar with our recent convert family. We shared the story of the workers in the vineyard. Then we proceeded to play uno. Then one of the sisters was like “If we win we will play our game of castigos!” So yall know, “castigo” means punishment… jaja she won. So there’s this mexican card deck that mexicans use to play all kinds of games. Like how we can play games like blackjack and go fish. With this deck you can play basically the same things and also “Jokes and punishments” (“burlas y castigos”). If you lose you will be punished. You can do literally any punishment you can think of. I lost like 5 times to my companion. But he is too nice and decided to perdonarme.
Anywho that was my week. 😁
Till next time,
Elder Service
PS… Happy 50th birthday to my dad!