Hi Mom!
That is my first week with Elder Wilcock down. So let’s talk about it.
We started our week by walking a good hour and a half to an area to find in active members. To no avail… we walked for an hour and didn’t find a single person.
Wednesday was awesome though. We visited all my favorite people in La Rueda. Had lunch with Hermana Marce and Vero, our recent baptism. We had chinchuron with salsa. If you don’t know what chinchuron is. Its fried pig skin. It was delicious. Then we visited Thais and Megahn who are just flat out awesome. I love going to La Rueda so much.
The walk there is one of the best parts. We take this dirt side road that follows a river. It’s a nice scenic route. My companion was telling me the other day that he’s glad we take that route because it makes him feel like he is in the middle of nowhere. Despite being in a huge city. Anyways, I this week we got to pet puppies! Cutest darn things ever. Turns out my comp used to train guide dogs for the blind. Low key thinking I want to too after the mish. Also we got a sick selfie with a dead Calf! Quite sad and very grows but hey, it’s a photo for the weekly.
The next exciting thing is the Elders in my apartment love to party. They spent a good portion of the week looking for LED light strips to hang in our house. We have dedicated a side room to being the game room. We have big (and expensive) plans for that room.
I too love to party (but not until after proselyting hours 😉) so yah I bought a Mandalorian body pillow. And yes it is awesome.
I TURNED 18 MONTHS OLD THIS WEEK. I was set apart as a missionary and started online MTC 18 months ago. Where does the time go?!?! That photo is actually of me before I burned my 1 year mark shirt. I didn’t get a chance to burn a shirt in the states. So this week I just celebrated both. I got to burn a shirt and pants.
The work has been going great here in San Juan. There is so much work here and not enough time in the day. As of right now we have 8 potential baptisms scheduled for March. Please pray for them! Aside from that its just a grind every day to get out and talk with everybody. Some days you talk to a nation other days its just your companion. But as long as you are just going out and doing. You’re re efforts are never wasted.
Till next time,
Elder Service